You are currently viewing 12 DIY Christmas Succulent Decorations, Gifts & Ornaments!

12 DIY Christmas Succulent Decorations, Gifts & Ornaments!

Christmas time is my absolute favorite time of the year — and it’s coming up! Even 2020 will have to make room for the warmth and joy of the holiday season. If you enjoy making your own gifts and decor, succulents are the perfect medium! Christmas succulents are just so fun! Use them for a wide range of crafts, from festive succulent decorations to DIY succulent gifts and even a variety of living succulent ornaments for the tree. Then, grow them on in the spring to enjoy them year-round. I made every one of these 12 succulent projects using living plants and cuttings that can be grown on into 2021 and beyond. How cool is that?

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This Post Has 2 Comments

    1. Kat McCarthy

      Thanks so much, Paula!

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