While all cactus are succulents, not all succulents are cactus. And cactus plants have specific care requirements and special handling so they will thrive and you’ll be safe! Read more about cactus care so you can enjoy these intriguing, edgy cacti!
Planting Cactus So They'll Thrive
How to Handle Cactus Safely
Cactus vs Succulents
Planting Cactus with Succulents
Controversial Moon Cactus
Crested & Monstrose Cactus
Cactus care in terms of lighting and feeding is similar to succulent care. But for watering, use the same drench and drought watering you do for succulents, just about half as often!
So, if cacti need even less water than succulents, how can they possibly grow together in the same container? Read the blog and find out! 🙂